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What’s New With 3CX in May?

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This month, 3CX has changed their old Android and iOS apps and made completely new ones, making it even easier to join a live meeting on the go. You can now view content like shared screen content and shared PDFs, as well as participate in polls.

Some new features added this month include-

  • The ability to turn off and lock video, audio, or chat of all participants in the meeting with one click.
  • The ability to lock the meeting and disallow new meeting joins
  • A redesigned notification and navigation bar to use your screen space more efficiently. Chat notifications allow you to follow and manage specific users chats without needing to have the chat box open.
  • An added ability to post chat messages as Q&As which can be sorted and upvoted by others, for better post-meeting wrap-ups.
  • A simplified way to invite peers to your meeting. The available invitation methods are now: mail, link, QR code or even via ‘WhatsApp’.
  • The ability to present from a secondary camera.
  • A grid view layout is now the default for meetings. Once enough users join, users are marked blue based on voice activity to keep track of who is talking.


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