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The Importance of a LinkedIn Summary

The LinkedIn summary is a crucial part of your LinkedIn profile. Everyone who wants to build the strength of their LinkedIn profile needs to add a well-written summary. Time and thought need to be dedicated to this section. In this summary, you want to include your passions, accomplishments, and your mission statement as an individual. This is your opportunity to show your profile visitors a concise summary of your life, personality, and motivations. Employers are looking to hire individuals who are passionate and add value to their team. Don’t be too humble, you can talk positively about yourself in the summary! 


To add the summary section to your profile, click on the blue button that says “Add profile section.” In the drop-down menu, select add profile section, then the plus icon next to the word summary. This will open a text box where you can type in your wonderfully crafted summary and tell the world who you are. After you’re done typing be sure to click the save button.

If you ever have any questions or would like one of our LinkedIn experts at Smart Office USA to review your summary or page, contact Christin Meler at or 214-935-5713.


Written by Christin Meler.

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