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News from the CEO: Book of the Month, VoIP, and Customer Service

The first quarter of 2021 is nearly over and it looks like the economy is opening up again. Now is the time to give ourselves a business health audit. I would like to introduce you to Donald Miller, an entrepreneur, bestselling author, marketing expert, public speaker, and business owner. His new book, Business Made Simple, shows you in 60 days how to master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Productivity, and more. There are plenty of free resources on his website, so go check it out! You won’t be disappointed.


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Digital Signage

Exciting things are happening her at SmartOffice USA. We just launched our new digital signage offer. This new product will help you increase employee productivity, improve the company culture, increase employee morale, and impress your visitors. Check out more information here, and take a look at some photos below!


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VoIP Phone Systems

3CX is constantly improving, so check out the new features in the article here. It just keeps getting better and better. 3CX helps you take care of your customers and improves your in-house communications, AND it will now even communicate with your website visitors.


Wildix is getting ready to wow us with some major new changes. We are anxiously awaiting because they are telling us it will blow us away! Already an incredible VoIP platform, Wildix is a leader in being the first provider with web/RTC which, with a browser-based system, you get ease of use and quality that is superior to our competitors. Let us give you a demo, so you can see and hear quality firsthand.


Customer Service

Customer service is such a hard area in the VoIP world, but we are striving each week to improve our systems, improve our responsiveness and quality. We are training our team members so they become experts in our product line and training them in customer service so they will respond in a quick, courteous manner.


We always give 110%, but if we fail, you can contact me directly at 214-272-0921, so I can personally help you get your issues resolved. One of our core values is when someone drops the ball, another team member will be there to help out. Let me know how I can help you. You, the customer, are #1, your business matters to us, and we understand how important office technology is. We are striving daily to improve, so let us know how we’re doing! Thank you for your business.

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