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A Few Tips to Get Your Computer Running Quick and Snappy Again!

IT tip of the month

If your computer is running slower than usual, try these tips.

  1. Uninstall unused software

Software takes up space on your hard drive, increasing read/write times. Additionally, some software will automatically start when you boot up the computer, using up your computer’s working memory.

  1. Check for viruses

A slow computer is a symptom of malware. Check out our Antivirus. 

  1. Storage maintenance

A full hard-drive is a slow hard-drive. A slow hard drive is a slow computer. Your computer is almost constantly reading and writing data to and from your drive. An easy way to free up space on your hard-drive is to run the disk-cleanup tool. This removes unnecessary files from your hard-drive. As hard-drives are used, data fragments on the disk begin to become scattered and disorganized. This means the hard-drive will have to physically visit different locations across the disk when retrieving data. Disk defragmentation addresses this problem. Defragment your hard-drive!

  1. Upgrade your hardware

Did you know hard-drives are one of the slowest parts of a computer? Improve read/write times by upgrading to an SSD.

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